
Uses Of Ozone

Removal or Control of Household Odors:

Indoor air pollution is recognized as one of the major health concerns facing the nation today. This condition has been created by the search for more energy efficient homes, buildings, and work places. Ozone generators can dramatically improve indoor air quality, creating a much safer atmosphere indoors.

BiO3-Blaster™ Ozone is also great for mold and odor removal, as well as providing relief to people with dog, cat, and other pet allergies.

BiO3-Blaster™ Ozone is ideal for removing smell in automobiles, limousines, buses, airplanes, recreational vehicles, rental cars, vans, boats, homes, basements, rest rooms, locker rooms, fitness facilities restaurants, kitchens, food services, walk-in coolers, grocery stores, butcher shops, office buildings, warehouses, motels, hotels, resorts, designated smoking areas, trash compactors, dumpsters, and more!

Pet area odors especially those from cat urine are very difficult to control. In residential homes, veterinary offices and kennels, BiO3-Blaster™ ozone generators can treat odor-holding surfaces so well that it makes the presence of animals hardly noticeable. The use of BiO3-Blaster™ high ozone “shock treatments while the pets are out of the room helps remove stubborn pet odors and significantly improve air quality. Disinfecting pet areas of molds and bacteria is beneficial for pets and their owners alike.

When people are sick and confined to their bedrooms for extended periods of time, germs and bacteria build up in the room. A good shock treatment with BiO3-Blaster™ Ozone while the room is unoccupied can be very beneficial in destroying these harmful contaminants, and even urine odor, if present.

Commercially, BiO3-Blaster™ ozone generators are used by carpet cleaners, car washes, auto detailing, car dealers, apartment managers, fire departments, and professional cleaning services for smoke and flood restoration. Dry cleaners are using BiO3-Blaster™ ozone generators to deodorize smoke damaged apparel and hockey equipment cleaning.

(source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-ozone_shock_treatment)

Ozone is great for recreating a smoke free room in hotels, motels or guest rooms. The BiO3-Blaster™ ozone generators are great choices to get rid of the odors from beer, perfume, vomit, and the other odors left behind.

“Make absolutely sure your home is free of any offensive odors such as mold, mildew, cigar, cigarette, and pet urine. This is the number one turn off to any prospective buyer and no matter how much effort you put into making small rooms look larger, your efforts will be wasted if the home has an offensive smell.

Remember, your home is a reflection of your personality and to the degree you market your home’s personality to prospective buyers you will have a much better chance of selling the home if it stands out in an inviting way.

(source -Real Estate advice to home sellers from Dave Pleskac of the popular 710-KCMO Radio Show and Fox 4 News, Kansas City)

Ozone gives added life to fresh fruit and vegetables reduces early losses in meat, poultry and fish. In fact it has been approved by the USDA for this purpose. Many florists use ozone generators in their coolers to extend flower life. Ozone is used in cold cellars to extend potato life. The Food and Drug Administration has just amended its food additive regulations to permit ozone use as an anti microbial agent.

(source: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/publications/PM1974C.pdf )

The amendment, published in the Federal Register on June 28, 2001 allows for ozone use in gaseous and aqueous uses, and for safe and effective anti microbial treatment of meat, poultry, and other food products.

The BiO3-Blaster™ ozone generator is used on the farm to reduce livestock odors, combat airborne and surface pathogens, and infection causing bacteria, viruses and spores in breeding areas, particularly in the poultry and swine industries.

This Unit is Made in America in Cleveland Ohio!!!

Hotel / Motel / Bed & Breakfast, Room Odor Removal

Clean-up time for a problem room is shortened with the use of an ozone generator. Turn a room with a bad odor into a fresh new smelling odor free room often in less than 20-30 minutes using the our machine! This allows rooms to be in service much faster. Rooms will stay fresher and customers will appreciate the fresh odor-free room that ozone creates. Also, use of an ozone generator, will disinfect the air and surfaces, reducing the risk of bacterial, viral and other infections. BiO3-Blaster™ is proven to be an effective way to reduce room cancellations from odor complaints especially from smelly air conditioners.

Travel and Vacation Uses

Just as Hotels and Motels use ozone, you can bring your own to suit your needs. If the room you are in is desired, and there is an odor issue – then using BiO3-Blaster™ no more having to change rooms from an odor problem!

Cigarette & Cigar Smoke Removal / Elimination

OZONE eliminates the irritation caused by phenol gasses, by oxidizing them. Phenol gasses are the invisible part of tobacco smoke that causes such discomfort to one’s eyes and create the offensive odors. Ozone rids any environment of the effects of smoke completely, rather than merely filtering out some of the visible particles like an electronic air cleaner or air filter system. For restaurant, bar, or pool hall owners, these units have proven to be invaluable and help keep clientele coming back! BiO3-Blaster™ Ozone Generators work better than “smoke eaters, ionizers or air filters for removing smoke & smoke odors.

Mold Decontamination – Control & Removal

Mold is a problem in today’s damp or wet environments. Molds & mildew are the number one causes of allergic symptoms. Many harmful types of mold & fungus can be found worldwide. they grow in high-cellulose material, such as wood straw, hay, wet leaves, dry wall, carpets, wall papers, fiber-boards, some ceiling tiles, insulation, and more. This types are wet and may be slimy to the touch. Thes dangerous molds grows in medium to high humidity (55 % +). Even when dry, this type of mold can causes respiratory problems. Using a BiO3-Blaster™ ozone generator, you can help reduce, control and many times eliminate mold growth in your business and home.

Vehicle Restoration companies / USES

Trucks, Automobiles, vans, busses, and work vehicles are being disinfected & deodorized by professionals all across the country using ozone generators. Ozone proves to be invaluable for use in auto sales and restorations. With ozone shock treatments, vehicles smell fresh and clean. A fresh and clean smelling vehicle will sell faster and bring more profits after an ozone shock treatment.
Boat / Ship / Cruise line Odor

Boats often develop strong fish odors, bacterial, mold, and other odors. BiO3-Blaster™ Ozone is excellent for removing and controlling these odors. Cruise ship companies can use ozone generators for room decontamination and odor removal just as hotels and motels.

Fire Restoration Companies

Professional Fire restoration companies regularly use ozone generators for the removal of fire & flood odors Fire and flood damage odors are the most difficult odors to remove. With a powerful ozone generator, these odors can be removed. Shock treating with high levels of BiO3-Blaster™ ozone will remove the odor and allow the room to be habitable.

Agricultural use
Pet and Animal odors, Kennels

In homes, veterinary Hospitals / clinics, offices and kennels, ozone can take care of odorous surfaces and make the presence of animals hardly noticeable. Using“shock treatments BiO3-Blaster™ozone can remove offensive pet odors. Disinfecting pet areas with ozone kills mold & bacteria and this creates a healthier environment for pets, their owners, Hospitals, and Kennels. (Note that ozone shock treatments should not be done with pets or people in the room)

Control Insects and Vermin

Insects and vermin are stay away from high levels of ozone. BiO3-Blaster™ Ozone helps to remove their odors and keeps them from returning. BiO3-Blaster™ Ozone is also used in attics to help keep rodents, birds, squirrels and other insects out. For example, a cockroach finds food and their home by the sense of smell. ABiO3-Blaster™ ozone shock treatment can kill the odors of not only the food location, but of the cockroach’s home. It is known that cockroaches will not leave their home if they cannot smell their way back. Also, if they smell no food, they’re not interested!

Odor Control for Trauma & Crime Scene Cleanup

Many years ago, the elderly would live with relatives or be in other care facilities. Now, however, they wish to remain in their own homes – most often living alone as well as dying alone. They might not be found for several days by which time the damage is done.

In other times, people would die peacefully in bed or in the hospital. Now, with the increase in crime, the situation has changed drastically. In other times, there did not seem to be as many potentially infectious or communicable diseases such as flesh eating viruses, AIDS, HIV and Hepititis.

In other times, there were no such things as terrorism or bioterrorists. Now the situation has changed and we need to be ready to deal with these changes.

With all of the new problems we face everyday, crime and trauma scene cleanup has become a new and very important need in our society. With this need comes the need to go beyond a mop and bucket. Even after the scene has been cleaned up, there is still the need for odor removal, as well as airborne and microscopic pathogen removal.

BiO3-Blaster™ Ozone style generators have been used for years to deal with these problems.

There are courses given in crime and trauma scene cleanup that recommend the use of ozone generators. One of them in England is taught by a friend of mine Ben Giles he highly recommends ozone use at the end of the clean up.

In the HowStuffWorks science article titled “How Crime–scene Clean–up Works author Julia Layton listed the items usually carried by professional crime–scene cleaners. In the hard–core cleaning supplies section, the first item listed is an ozone generator (to remove odors).

“With AIDS, hepatitis and the hazardous chemical concoction that is used to make methamphetamines, ‘cleaning up’ is more than just washing down a scene with some soapy water, opening windows and hoping the smell and the danger go away.

Ahwatukee Foothills News.

Cillian’s solvent solves crime scene mess – By Doug Murphy, Staff Writer.
According to John Heath, of Crime Scene Cleanup, St. Petersburg, Fl., “ozone can eliminate the most difficult of smells. Each time I really don’t think it can (remove the smell); every time it amazes me. It is one of the most permanent odor control solutions available to cleaners. It is a great piece of equipment. Chemical deodorizers only mask odors and do not remove the microscopic pathogens that cannot be “cleaned.
The International Ozone Association states that odor control and air purification are among those areas where ozone treatment has been shown to have exceptionally beneficial effects.
Crime and trauma scene cleanup should not be left to the family. They do not have the necessary training and there is also the very real extra trauma they will be exposed to.
BiO3-Blaster™ Ozone generators create O3 molecules which are highly unstable. The extra O molecule oxidizes the bacteria, killing it and leaving pure, clean and odor free O2.
BiO3-Blaster™ Ozone generators are a necessary part of crime and trauma scene cleanup.
This Unit is Made in America in Cleveland Ohio!!!

Remove Odors

Big party? Stale beer, alcohol, Uncle Frank’s cigars? Eliminate odors easily with a single ozone treatment. Even the odor left behind by the worst smokers can be removed by running a BiO3-Blaster™ to Remove Odors Easily remove smoke and other odors from your rooms!

Smoke damage, caused by fires, or smokers – what do you do to rid the rooms of the odor? Depending on the amount of damage done and the cause you might have to call in a remediation specialist.

Smoke damage from a fire is another problem, because there will probably be other clean up to do as well such as water damage, possible mold, and of course the fire damage. Water and mold damage are discussed in other sections so let’s stick to the age old question of how do I get rid of the odor. BiO3-Blaster™ Ozone generators are the answer.

If you have had a small fire like a cooking fire you know how hard it is to rid everything of the smoke smell. It seems to linger everywhere – even after you have cleaned everything. You have cleaned, cleaned some more and maybe even painted and still you smell the lingering odor. So now, along with the smell of smoke you have chemical smells and paint fumes. Do you throw out everything? Do you replace everything? Is your insurance going to pay for it all? Do you really have to strip a room and start over? The very easy way to rid yourself of all of it is to run a BiO3-Blaster™ ozone generator in each unoccupied room. No more muss and fuss. And best yet, no more odor. No excessive costs from a remediation specialist and no closing rooms off for an extended period of time while redecorating. Smoke damage caused by a smoker will include everything in the room — and everyone hates the stale smoke odor.

Have you ever opened the door and have the smell of stale smoke hit you in the face? Most hotels, bars and restaurants use special filters or heavy duty fans to suck out the smoke in their smoking sections, but they do not remove all of the odors. The ways to rid rooms of the smell are to wash everything down, prime and paint the room, clean the carpet, and/or redecorate.

( source: http://www.emo3.com/files/Laurence%20Franken,%20Kansas%20State%20University.pdf )

Do you have a professional cleaner come in? Replace the furniture and carpet? How much time and money do you want to spend to remove those stale smoke smells? How many cans/bottles of air refresher, carpet refresher or Fabreeze will you use?

This Unit is Made in America in Cleveland Ohio!!!

Even the odor left behind by the worst smokers can be removed by running a BiO3-Blaster™ ozone generator in each unoccupied room. To save yourself much time and effort, you can run an ozone generator in each unoccupied room. No more need for all those other products, so you save money and time. You have no need to redecorate or replace furnishings.

Many people develop allergies to the smoke smell and will complain if they get a whiff of it. You do not want to make it harder on yourself or your staff by having the smoke smell hanging around.

If you run a hotel, restaurant or bar, having customers complain or having expensive down time can be a real problem. Saving time and money to remove the smoke odor is a must.

Using a BiO3-Blaster™ ozone generator is a much cheaper and simpler way to remove smoke odors. You can even use it everyday to keep your place odor free and you will never open the door to stale smoke again.

Many dry cleaners are using ozone generators to remove smoke from clothing and soft furnishings. It is surprising to learn that many carpet cleaners are using them as well. With the newer, stricter, no smoking laws many hotels, restaurants and bars will have to clean up the odors to please their customers. Most will use BiO3-Blaster™ ozone generators to help them with the clean up.

Many already use them for removal of other odors such as vomit, stale beer, or perfumes from their rooms. It is easy to use, a money saver, and does the job quickly thus saving them costly redecorating, down time for rooms or remediation specialists.

Many people develop allergies to the smoke smell and will complain if they get a whiff of it. You do not want to make it harder on yourself or your staff by having the smoke smell hanging around. If you run a hotel, restaurant or bar, having customers complain or having expensive down time can be a real problem. Saving time and money to remove the smoke odor is a a must. Using a BiO3-Blaster™ ozone generator is a much cheaper and simpler way to remove smoke odors. You can even use it everyday to keep your place odor free and you will never open the door to stale smoke again.

Many dry cleaners are using BiO3-Blaster™ ozone generators to remove smoke from clothing and soft furnishings. It is surprising to learn that many carpet cleaners are using them as well.

With the newer, stricter, no smoking laws many hotels, restaurants and bars will have to clean up the odors to please their customers. Most will use BiO3-Blaster™ ozone generators to help them with the clean up.

Many already use them for removal of other odors such as vomit, stale beer, or perfumes from their rooms. It is easy to use, a money saver, and does the job quickly thus saving them costly redecorating, down time for rooms or remediation specialists.

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